
Craft Central-Made in Clerkenwell-Open studio / Craft Central的年度盛會-設計師打開工作室

Craft Central, the place I’m doing my internship now. In Clerkenwell, London.
It’s an area full of design related stores, studios and agencies. Very nice area and I really really like it! So this is the window of the organization, this was an event called Made In Clerkenwell in the end of November. That day, all the designer makers and artist, they open their studio for people to enter, visit their studio, have a chance to purchase the things they made directly, which was also a good opportunity to have a short talk between the designers and the audience.

 Craft Central是我現在實習的地方,位在倫敦東北一區,
很喜歡這個區域 以後下班都要去走走進行小探險!
這一區還有小報紙: Clerkenwellpost介紹有趣的新鮮事 還有採訪等等
[昨天下班經過St. Ali咖啡店 居然看到老闆本人在外面抽菸 
認出他是老闆因為認出他穿的鞋子 跟他在報紙上面被採訪的是同一雙!!!!]

這是公司辦的一個活動 在十一月底我來倫敦的時候舉行的!
Craft Central提供很多便宜的工作室 讓設計師還有藝術家有空間可以創作
Made In Clerkenwell則是年度盛會 設計師們打開大門讓大家參觀
也有機會直接購買產品 [剛好趕上聖誕節禮物採購熱潮]

 Prints, I really like this, have been interested in prints and the printing process for quite a long while, even since junior high I think. Colors in two layers, different textures, I like the thickness of the ink that you may see how it overlaps and of course, the beautiful accidents. The beautiful accident when the different layers of pattern didn’t match perfectly. That is actually what I like the most about printing.
喜歡印刷的驚喜 喜歡印刷的不準確 
喜歡印刷的油墨重疊感覺 用手摸的時候還可以感覺的到油墨的厚度

 Ceramic studios!! Designer makers can do a lot of experiments with their idea in their studios. The building next to Craft Central seen from above.
陶瓷工作室 做很多嘗試;

 Hall way, inside the building, there are many studios offered by Craft Central, for designer makers and artist to rent the place with cheap rent. This place reminds me of some of the old buildings in Osaka and Kyoto, old building being renovated and new business started there. Mainly zakka stores, gallery, outfit and so on, MMM is in one of the building in Shinsaibushi in Osaka and there are even dentist and barber shop inside. Very cool idea. So basically, you go into one building and experiencing different kinds of environments and concepts.
其實走到工作室的那幾層的時候 我忽然想起了在大阪或京都的那種古老建築
每一間是不一樣的店 有雜貨店,藝廊,衣服店
還有髮廊 牙醫!!!!

 Many jewelry and accessories design maker.
I really like the idea of turning the broken piece of plates or bowls into beautiful ornaments.


材料取得容易 其實成本也不高[除了"金"以外 其他都不貴]
而且可以做到細緻度很高 價格也可以標很高

舊的東西 壞的東西 被賦予新生命!!

 One of the ceramic studios I like a lot, she paints on cups, plates, tiles and different kinds of stuff made of ceramics. Really like the graphic, even bought a xmas card!
上面還有畫圖!超喜歡那些圖 還買了一張聖誕卡片呢!!

 Jewelry designer, I like her vintage nautical concepts, there’s one necklace that is actually a magnifier. I had an idea of mono-glass, [especially for people like me who is so blind after dark but quite okay during day time], I had an idea of having the mono-glass as a necklace with different material as the frame of the glass (such as wood, porcelain and etc), and then there are some other lens with color, so that from time to time, if you feel like doing so, you can see through the lens and see the world in various kinds of colors.

讓我想起之前的一個小設計 沒有很完整 只是個idea
但是很符合我這種近視度數很淺 白天很OK 晚上像瞎子的人
[因為我好幾次再趕火車的時候 因為沒有戴眼鏡 
要在包包裡面拿眼鏡看月台 然後就錯過火車]
所以就想要設計一個 一個鏡片的眼鏡項鍊 可以帶在脖子上 
為了這種緊急時刻 不需要時時刻刻都看得很清楚
只需要再看清楚時間或招牌或路名的時候 拿起來看一兩秒

有很多配件 不同的材質做為框框[例如 陶瓷 金屬 木頭 壓克力 等等]
[反正只要看一兩秒 刮傷也沒關係 我現在的眼鏡也是充滿刮傷]
三不五時可以裝上有顏色的鏡片 可以透過鏡片看看不一樣顏色的世界
相機也可以透過鏡片拍照 現成的濾鏡
anyway這只是簡單的想法 尚未執行!
很想做 因為其實我很需要!!!!

 apply fabric into art!! two layers, very architectural thinking from my point of view
big prints with different kinds of beautiful house.

布料塗上一層膠(?!某材質) 布料就會變硬

以及很多印刷品 有很多細緻的建築!

 Christmas handmade shop on the ground floor.
another accessories studio, 
she made the pendant in wax-sealing style

 Craft Central利用這個機會也來個聖誕小市集
很有過節的氣氛 好棒好棒!!
又一個工作室 這個設計師設計很很多墜子
把金屬熔化 然後蓋章! 好喜歡!

 Letterpress studio. I like it!!
Letterpress is the field which I haven't get in touch to.
so i'm still very curious about it!!

really wanna try all kinds of printing!
litho print, screen printing, letterpress, wood block.....

傳統鉛版印刷[其實我看到很多 木版字 所以我不知道可不可以翻做鉛版印刷]
總 之 是一種傳統的印刷方!!

這個部分我還沒有接觸過 也還沒參加過workshop 

 so, this is another building from Craft Central, 
with a corner shop for designers to showcase their works.
Craft Central有兩棟建築物

More about Craft Central:
and the blog also:

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